Research from NAFKAM

In terms of research, NAFKAM's vision is to carry out research of the highest quality on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM); that our research contributes to informed health choices and higher patient safety, and set an international standard for quality in research in the field.

The assignment from Norwegian health authorities consists of carrying out our own research; to contribute to and to coordinate other research activities in the field.

The goal for this is to develop new knowledge about CAM and - if possible - how CAM can be useful for coping with illness and health problems. The purpose of this is to help patients make informed and safe choices for their own health.


In a global perspective, the research status on CAM is often characterized by gaps in knowledge at different levels. Research from NAFKAM shall aim to help closing such gaps, and should therefore be multi-methodological in its approach; with surveys, cross-sectional surveys, qualitative studies, observational studies, mixed methods, randomized controlled studies and systematic reviews.

NAFKAM's research has many audiences; from patients who make choices for their own health; their next-of-kin; those who make treatment choices for others; healthcare professionals treating patients who use CAM; lecturers and students in health sciences; the media reporting from the field; politicians and authorities who set framework conditions for the offering, practice and use of such treatment; as well as the international health research field and the WHO as an agenda setter. It is our aim that NAFKAM’s research has high impact; is well-known and widely used by our audiences.

Patient safety

Risk of adverse effects, unforeseen and unwanted interactions with other treatment, incorrect treatment and health deterioration are all realistic but traditionally under-communicated topics in CAM. Thus, patient safety is a mandatory focus in all studies and projects initiated by NAFKAM.

User involvement

Our goal is that people who use different kinds of health services, patients and the population; as well as providers of CAM and conventional health and care services are actively involved and participate (PPI) in NAFKAM's research projects.

Involvement and participation from these groups will be made visible in all phases, for example in the design and planning of new studies and projects, in the implementation of study and project activities, in the dissemination and implementation of the results, and in the evaluation process when the study or project has been completed. More information on the subjects of PPI and CCI can be found in NAFKAM's strategic plan for 2021-25.

Focus areas, 2021-2025

During this strategy period, NAFKAM has particular focus on the following areas in its research:

Read more:

  • PhD’s completed at NAFKAM
  • Our “Crash course” in research on CAM
  • The placebo effect and CAM
  • Do you have an idea or a suggestion for a research project?


Norway's National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine

We work to give you facts about complementary and alternative medicine, so that you can make safer choices for your health.

Read more about NAFKAM

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