The IMCR-studie - (Integrated Medical Care Rehabiltation) study

Development and feasibility assessment of a rehabilitation program for people with chronic health complaints after amalgam removal – the IMCR (integrated medical care rehabilitation) study.

The aim of this project is to test the feasibility of an integrated medical rehabilitation program consisting of a group program focusing on lifestyle and self-help, as well as an individualized treatment program. The study was an assignment from the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

The overall goal is to relieve or shorten illnesses, improve quality of life, increase ability to cope with disease situations and improve unwanted aspects of disease experiences. The rehabilitation project (IMCR study) has been developed for patients who have removed their amalgam fillings, but still experience health problems. IMCR stands for "Integrated Medical Care Rehabilitation". This is the first time that such a rehabilitation program is being tested in Norway.

This is a collaborative project between a number of different national and international actors and partners.

Project leader: Frauke Musial

Read more at the ICMR site 



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