Methodology on

In the process of writing and revising fact sheets for, fixed procedures, sources and templates are used. The procedures are developed together with NAFKAMs research expertise, and approved by NAFKAMs leadership.

Quality assurance through source selection

The fact sheets' information about efficacy and safety are based on information from independent, research-based sources. These are internationally recognized and considered as some of the most robust and comprehensive within the field: Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, The Cochrane Library, Natural Medicines and CAM Cancer.

Because the information found in these are compiled, read and approved by experienced researchers, readers of our fact sheets are assured that the information about efficacy and safety are of high quality. 

Health and treatment advice does not provide their own health nor treatment advice, but refer any advice from the sources used; or if the CAM therapy or product is not recommended by Norwegian health authorities.

External quality assurance

We are aware that the practice of CAM therapies may vary from country to country.'s descriptions are mainly based on information from the sources mentioned above. Thus, description of how a therapy is given may differ slightly from what is actually presented to patients by therapists.

To minimize this gap, we invite the relevant Norwegian CAM practitioner's organization to read and comment on the fact sheet prior to publication. The organization is requested to check our presentation of:

  • The CAM therapy's background and theory
  • The practitioners' understanding of health and disease
  • How the therapy is typically practised in Norway
  • How the Norwegian practitioners are organized, and what educational skills the organization require from its members

Comments/ suggestions for changes to the article from the organization on these points, is then evaluated by The practitioner's organization is not remunerated for this work.

Before publication

Text quality is also ensured internally by the editorial staff, by being audited by at least two other NAFKAM employees (including the Editor) before the article is published.

They consider whether all required and relevant information according to the writing template and procedure is present, and check the article's linguistic quality before it is published on the web site.


Information on research status and safety in fact articles are audited once a year. Minor changes in other chapters of the article may occur at other times. All articles are marked with the date of when it wast last modified.

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